Sunday, January 24, 2010

I finally started a blog!


So after many people asked me to do a blog I finally decided to start one. I don't know who will be reading this but I have to warn you that I was never good in English so I apologize now for the grammar. I have been known to write a entire paper with only one Period. Pretty amazing right?

I am writing a blog because as many of you know my husband is in the military and we are away from our family and friends. I think having a blog will be great because you can find out information on us. I know facebook is a helpful tool too but at least I can write more on here. Plus this year is going to be very exciting. My husband comes home from Iraq early February, he then gets out of the Marine Corps in September, from there we will move to wherever he gets a job, and so on. I am looking forward to a wonderful future with my husband. As most people know we've spent quite a bit of our relationship apart so being together will be amazing.

Just some background information. My husband left for Iraq in August. This is his second deployment. He was gone last year as well. During both deployments I moved back home to Illinois to help save money, and of course spend much needed time with family. I am so happy that I was able to do this, it's been a joy getting to see my family. The best part about moving home was building up relationships. I got to spend more time with my in laws, and their extended family. I was able to build a strong relationship with my nephew Joseph (3) and niece Madeleine (1) this was crucial since we aren't able to see them as much when we lived outside of Illinois. I am so thankful also that Joseph and Madeleine have a strong relationship with Dennis. They both talk to him on the phone and really brighten up his day while in Iraq.

On Monday I started my journey back to North Carolina where my husband is stationed at. It was a two day drive. The drive was perfect, the weather held out for me the whole way. I am now sitting in my wonderful apartment patiently waiting for the day my husband gets home. I still have boxes all around me and a lot of work to do. Thankfully my dad (Wayne) and step-mom (Peggy) are on there way as I type. They actually should get here in about an hour. They come help me move every time. This is my fourth move since I've been married. Did I mention I've only been married for 3 years, that's a lot of moves! I lived in California for the first year, and the other three moves were North Carolina. Dad and Peg love to come out though, it's like a vacation for them. I really enjoy the help too. :)

Well I should probably try and get something accomplished before they come home. I hope to continue writing on here and keep you guys updated with my life. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I am so excited you have a blog now. I will be reading it. I tried to change the picture of the one it shows as your follower, but it didn't work. So that is a picture of Zander when he was a couple weeks old. We miss you already. But we are so happy you get to have your husband back in your arms. That is where he belongs.
