Sunday, March 7, 2010

I hate coming up with titles.....

I haven't been in the writing mood lately. That's why you haven't heard from me. I come home exhausted, or when I am home I just don't feel like doing it. Sorry about that. I am hear to assure you that I am alive and well. We did have a rather busy weekend so at least I have something to talk about. :)

On Friday Dennis and I decided to go down to Wilmington for a date night. For Den's birthday last year he got a gift card from his sister to Chili's and we finally decided to use it. Instead of going to Chili's we used it at the Macaroni grill. We had an amazing dinner. Dennis had baked ziti, and I had mushroom ravioli. I recommend that place, I pretty much liked everything on the menu.

Saturday we went to a friend Birthday party. The party was Hollywood themed. I went dressed as Posh Spice, and Dennis was my paparazzi. We didn't go all out like everyone else. At the party there was Bond with his Bond girlfriend, Audrey Hepburn, Liza Minnelli, Gilligan, and Skipper. I think our favorite was the girl dressed as Angelina Jolie. I liked her because she actually took the time to write out the tattoos on her skin. We thought they were real tattoos.

Today we went with a friend to see Alice and Wonderland. It's a pretty good movie. I have to say that I hate 3D movies though. I wish they would just have normal movies. It also angers me that I have to pay $2 extra to see this movie. If they are going to do that then they should have the option of 3D or not. Or they should have the option of buying the glasses or not. I mean they have the stupid recycle your glasses box....Where are they recycling to if I have to just buy them all over again? I think it's stupid.

better get going. Talk to you later.

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