Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm back and I'm not going anywhere.......

Wow it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I'm sorry for leaving everyone out of the loop. This year I was balancing working with being a house wife and it tired me out all the time! Well I am officially a house wife full time now so expect to here more from me. :)

Lots has happened since you've last heard from me. Shortly after Dennis and I got back from the Outer banks of North Carolina we found out that we were expecting a baby. We were so excited, but unfortunately a couple weeks later we suffered an early miscarriage. I'm telling you this now because this is the first time I've been able to talk about it. I've told myself over and over again that I'm fine and ready to try again, but each month I'd fail and I would be devastated. I know that the last couple month's I haven't been emotionally ready and that God will tell me when I'm ready by blessing us with a child on his time.

We've also changed addresses. On August 26Th Dennis went on terminal leave with the Marine Corps. All the leave that Dennis saved up was able to be used as an "early out" of the Marines. So officially he was done with his enlistment on September 11. So we decided to move to Virginia late August. Dennis didn't have a job at this time so we were taking a risk. Thankfully when we got into Virginia the company he had been talking to gave him a contract for a job. We had been praying many nights for this to happen and we were so thankful to hear from them. Dennis took the job and wasn't able to start till mid September.

Since we had so much time till the job started we decided to take a little trip to Illinois. We wanted to spend time with Den's family because his dad hasn't been feeling to well. It was also nice to see our Niece and Nephew too. After seeing Den's parents we spent some time with my family as well. It was nice to see everyone.

Now we're back in Virginia and Dennis started work yesterday. He loves his job and the best part about the job is that if he works four 10 hour shifts then he can get a 3 day weekend. So of course he decided to take those shifts that way we can be together longer on the weekends. We're also looking for a house while we're here because we plan on Virginia being our permanent home. I can't tell you how happy I am to have Dennis home with me for good. I'm so happy that I'll never have to go through a deployment again.

Glad to be back!

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