Saturday, January 8, 2011

Magnifiicent King of the Flamingo People

Hmmmm I know you are wondering why I chose this as my title for my blog. Yes it does sound strange, but this is my baby's name. Yesterday at 2:00 pm we had our doctor appointment to find out the sex of our baby. We were surprised, and so happy to hear the results from the doctor.

Yesterday was a great day. I was so happy that Dennis was able to come to the appointment because he has not seen the baby since he looked like a little potato around 9 weeks. I got on the ultrasound table and she put the goo on me. (Which despite what movies tell you, it's actually warm and feels good) She moved around a bit and Dennis and I actually saw our babies goods before the doctor confirmed. She wasn't saying anything so finally I said "Doctor is that a Thingy?" She responded with "Yes, you are having a baby Boy" I can't tell you how much Den's eyes lit up. I think it was the happiest day of his life. I of course was excited too, I can't believe it....what a surprise!

Now to the name part.....

First of all Augustus (meaning "Magnificent") has always been the name for the baby. I'm almost positive Dennis would have called off the engagement if I didn't like it. lol. After Dennis proposed to me (5 years ago) we got in the car and he looked at me all serious, and said "So now that we're getting married, are those names I picked out ok for our kids." I of course wanted to get married so I said yes, thinking one day I could change his mind. It wasn't till we went to Italy that I truly understood why he wanted that name. The amount of respect Augustus still gets is amazing. People still lay flowers next to his statue, it's beautiful to see how much people still love him to this day! That's the day I decided that no matter what we'll have that name for our child.

Ryan (meaning "King") is a family name. It's Den's middle name, and his Mom's maiden name.

Arakelian (meaning "the Flamingo people") Odd I know but when Dennis was in Iraq he met a lady who knew a little bit about Armenian history. She told Dennis that the meaning of our name meant "The Flamingo people" We laughed it off thinking it was funny, but now I think it's super cute with the other meanings of our son's name.

So, Augustus Ryan Arakelian....If you ever read this when your older you are my magnificent King of the flamingo people. :)

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