Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 months!

It's amazing to think that my little guy has only been here for 2 months. He's become apart of our daily lives so much that I couldn't think of a time without him. I'm so happy to have him, he's such a blessing to us. :) We've had a lot of visitors since Augustus has been born, I've been observing and taking every ones advice and it's really helped me while watching Augustus. Grandma Evans came for a week at the end of 1 month, then Grandma and Grandpa Clem came the last week of June. Also, John and Becca (Mommy and Daddy's friend from the military) came with their two daughters for a short visit. In the middle of July Zach and Amanda (Mommy and Daddy's friends from Illinois) and their two daughters came for a long weekend. It was their first family vacation, and they wanted to spend it meeting you. The last weekend of July Aunt Karen came for a visit, her visit was to spoil you. Finally, we're waiting for Grandma Arakelian to visit August 8th. She'll be here for a week, and will enjoy spoiling you like crazy!

Major events during Month 2:

 You're finally sleeping in your crib! You start out in your crib, then after your 3:00 am feeding you think it's play time so Mommy takes you to our bed and after a while you fall asleep.

 You wake up only once a night usually around 3-4 in the morning

 One of our favorite times with you is in the morning. We lay you in our bed and you talk to us. While talking you kick your feet and move your arms around. It's one of the best times of our day, even if we're super tired. (Sometimes Daddy calls Grandma A. and lets her listen too. ;) )

 You're up more during the day, usually that time you like to spend under your jungle mat, or looking at your mobile in your crib.

 You know who your Mommy and Daddy are. You smile at the sound of our voice and smile when Daddy comes home from work.

When Daddy comes home from work you like to be held by him and then you lay your head on his shoulder, it's so cute!

 We have a wonderful bedtime routine. Daddy gives you a bath, changes your diaper, and puts on your pj's. Mommy feeds you, while Daddy reads you a bedtime story. 

 Since you've been born you've been to Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Washington D.C I have a feeling that you're either going to love traveling, or hate it because you'll be doing a lot of it with Mommy and Daddy.

Doctors visit: Augustus grew another inch! He's now 25 inches long and weighs 14.8lbs. He's in the 97th percentile for weight and 99th for height. My boy is a beast! He also received 2 shots and a type of vaccine that he drinks. He'll have to do the same thing at his 4 month visit too.

Looking forward to next month.... :)

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