Monday, March 29, 2010

back from the dead....

Hello Everyone!

It seems like forever since my last post. I started my new job and have been very busy ever since. It's hard getting on the computer after work. I am so tired all the time. I really miss my lazy life. Working does have it's benefits though, at least I'm not bored all day long.

To celebrate having a job I decided to get a tanning account. North Carolina's tanning packages suck! In Illinois I was able to spend a one time fee of $85 and afterwards only pay $18 per month. In North Carolina the lowest package is $35 a month. One of the packages is $80 a month. Who can afford that?!? They've also tried to sell me tanning lotion numerous times. One bottle that I liked was $110 dollars, I went on Amazon today and found the bottle for $40. Can you believe how much money they charge for things. It kills me just thinking about it. I decided to go for the smallest package just for this month, hopefully after this month I can just tan outside by the pool. Also if I do buy any lotion it will definitely be online.

Dennis is done with the range. He shoot expert in rifle and sharp shooter in pistol qualifications. I am happy that he had to do this because he met a lot of cool people at the competition. There was a group of Royal Marines, that Dennis became pretty good friends with. It's also nice that he did this because now he has a medal for the pistol qualifications and he's never had that medal before.

Work is going great. It's really fun to make the arrangements. Also it's a pretty chill job. The most arrangements we've had to make is about 20 which really isn't that much. Normally we are busy till about noon and after that it dies down. I also like that I know how to do this so in the future I could just make one for myself. I get to eat my mistakes too so that's a plus. ;)

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