Friday, March 19, 2010

getting over my nerves.

I have really bad nervous habits. I bite my nails like crazy, and when I can't bite my nails anymore I braid my hair. Not just any kind of braid, I try to braid the smallest braid that I can on my head and the second I am done.....I drag my finger down the middle of it, practically ripping the braid out of my hair. I do it over and over again, I'm surprised that I have hair left afterwards. I mainly do this when I am sitting at home on the couch, or watching movies in a theater. Lately I have been trying to break both habits. To stop the nail biting, I decided to paint my nails. When ever I think about biting, I file my nails. Whenever I really need to bite, i pick at the polish. When I get home I just re polish. It sounds crazy but I've gone a whole week without biting. That's a huge accomplishment for me. The hair braiding, well that's another story. I don't think that will ever end. I think I'll go bald before that ends. lol

I got the job at Edible Arrangements. I start at 8:00 am on Monday. I'm pretty excited about it. At least it's something to keep me busy. The best part is that I get to learn how to make the bouquets, and dip the fruit in the chocolate. I think it's going to be a great job. They're trying to cute back the hours at the place so if they do that will be amazing. Plus, we could really use the extra money, so I can't be to picky about jobs.

Dennis has to work tomorrow. The poor guy is so tuckered out. He went to bed today at 8:00 pm. After work tomorrow, we're going to drive down to Wilmington and stay at a bed and breakfast. We're going to eat at one of the restaurants that we found at the Taste of Wilmington, and then on Saturday we're going to watch a play at the theater. (hopefully I wont bite my nails. ;) ) It will be a nice short weekend for the two of us before work starts back up on Monday. I haven't worked since December so this is going to be rough on me. Wish me luck.

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