Monday, March 29, 2010

back from the dead....

Hello Everyone!

It seems like forever since my last post. I started my new job and have been very busy ever since. It's hard getting on the computer after work. I am so tired all the time. I really miss my lazy life. Working does have it's benefits though, at least I'm not bored all day long.

To celebrate having a job I decided to get a tanning account. North Carolina's tanning packages suck! In Illinois I was able to spend a one time fee of $85 and afterwards only pay $18 per month. In North Carolina the lowest package is $35 a month. One of the packages is $80 a month. Who can afford that?!? They've also tried to sell me tanning lotion numerous times. One bottle that I liked was $110 dollars, I went on Amazon today and found the bottle for $40. Can you believe how much money they charge for things. It kills me just thinking about it. I decided to go for the smallest package just for this month, hopefully after this month I can just tan outside by the pool. Also if I do buy any lotion it will definitely be online.

Dennis is done with the range. He shoot expert in rifle and sharp shooter in pistol qualifications. I am happy that he had to do this because he met a lot of cool people at the competition. There was a group of Royal Marines, that Dennis became pretty good friends with. It's also nice that he did this because now he has a medal for the pistol qualifications and he's never had that medal before.

Work is going great. It's really fun to make the arrangements. Also it's a pretty chill job. The most arrangements we've had to make is about 20 which really isn't that much. Normally we are busy till about noon and after that it dies down. I also like that I know how to do this so in the future I could just make one for myself. I get to eat my mistakes too so that's a plus. ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

getting over my nerves.

I have really bad nervous habits. I bite my nails like crazy, and when I can't bite my nails anymore I braid my hair. Not just any kind of braid, I try to braid the smallest braid that I can on my head and the second I am done.....I drag my finger down the middle of it, practically ripping the braid out of my hair. I do it over and over again, I'm surprised that I have hair left afterwards. I mainly do this when I am sitting at home on the couch, or watching movies in a theater. Lately I have been trying to break both habits. To stop the nail biting, I decided to paint my nails. When ever I think about biting, I file my nails. Whenever I really need to bite, i pick at the polish. When I get home I just re polish. It sounds crazy but I've gone a whole week without biting. That's a huge accomplishment for me. The hair braiding, well that's another story. I don't think that will ever end. I think I'll go bald before that ends. lol

I got the job at Edible Arrangements. I start at 8:00 am on Monday. I'm pretty excited about it. At least it's something to keep me busy. The best part is that I get to learn how to make the bouquets, and dip the fruit in the chocolate. I think it's going to be a great job. They're trying to cute back the hours at the place so if they do that will be amazing. Plus, we could really use the extra money, so I can't be to picky about jobs.

Dennis has to work tomorrow. The poor guy is so tuckered out. He went to bed today at 8:00 pm. After work tomorrow, we're going to drive down to Wilmington and stay at a bed and breakfast. We're going to eat at one of the restaurants that we found at the Taste of Wilmington, and then on Saturday we're going to watch a play at the theater. (hopefully I wont bite my nails. ;) ) It will be a nice short weekend for the two of us before work starts back up on Monday. I haven't worked since December so this is going to be rough on me. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finally a job interview.

To my surprise Dennis has been coming home early every day. Yesterday he was home by 3:00 pm. That's amazing! Everyday he comes home we watch Dexter. We finished the first season, it was pretty good. Now we're on to the next season. It's starting out slow, so I hope it picks up.

I got a call yesterday from Edible Arrangements. They want me to come in today for a job interview. I should be happy but I'm not. I can't find any 9-5 Mon-Fri job here. The only reason they want to hire me is because I told them I was flexible. Then I found out flexible meant working nights and every weekend. I'm never going to see my husband if I do that! I've gotten so used to being a house wife, that it's really going to suck not being here when Dennis comes home. I love having dinner ready by 5, doing laundry during the day so it doesn't take up my weekend. I love being home in case Dennis gets home early. With this job it screws up everything!! I think when Dennis got deployed it kind of screwed me up a little. It's hard to be away from him now that I finally have him back. It's something I'm just going to have to work through, and just another test in our relationship.

On other news, Dennis has filled out a ton of resumes in the past week. Hopefully by the end of the month we'll here something. We actually might know where we'll move to. I can't wait. Honestly we're expecting to live in Virginia or Maryland. Things could change though. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Weekend.

On Friday around 9 in the morning Dennis came home from work. It was a great surprise. I guess all he had to do that day was get his rifle from the armory, after that they we're free to go. So we both crawled in bed and I let him sleep a little longer. It was nice to have him home and get a nice long weekend together. We decided to go out on a date that night. We stayed home and ate but went to the movies afterwards. I made Blue cheese stuffed Turkey burgers. It's so good when you stuff them with the cheese, because it gets gooey inside. I also made oven fries to go with them.

On Saturday we prepared for our wine and cheese party all day. Dennis bought tent cards and on one side put the name of each cheese and on the other side a short description about each cheese. We also set the cheeses on three different cheese plates (we had 8 different cheeses) and put those plates around our apartment, to keep the crowd moving. We had 2 on dinning table and 1 on our card table in the living room. We had classical music playing, and I put out different appetizers for everyone to have. It seemed like everyone had an amazing time. I don't know if I'll host one again, I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I wasn't even planning on getting drunk. I figured it's a tasting you cant get drunk off of a little wine. We did the math and found out everyone had at least a bottle to themselves. That's a lot of wine!

Sunday, we spent most of the day sleeping and trying to cure our hangovers. Dennis decided to tell me that I am very dramatic when I don't feel good. lol I guess I am but it hurts. We didn't have any Tylenol so that was the worst part. I needed my headache to be gone! I decided once I was finally done being sick that I would eat some toast to help the pain. Then we decided to get out of the apartment and get some fresh air. We went to the mall and ate some New York style pizza. Oh my goodness I love those giant slices of pizza. I went shopping for some new shoes, all I have for the summer is flip flops and I really hate those kinds of shoes. I decided to cave and get those Roman sandal looking shoes. They're actually cute shoes, I don't know why I hated them so much in the beginning. I also bought 3 different outfits because there was a sale at Wetseal and I found out I get a military discount. It turned out to be a good day after all. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 1

Dennis came home from work today around five. I was all ready to make turkey burgers for dinner, but I was really in the mood for a date. So we went out for dinner at a steak and seafood restaurant. The service was crappy and the food wasn't that great either. I got pasta with muscles, shrimp, and scallops in it. The sauce was terrible, it had a jelly texture and didn't seem fresh at all. Dennis got a pasta too and his sauce tasted the same. I'm not planning on ever going back to that place.

Today starts the 2 weeks of rifle qual. I can already tell it's going to be tough. My poor boy is so tried all the time. We came home from dinner and watched the TV show Dexter, it's become our new found TV obsession. (I think every relationship has some TV show obsession) We got through one episode and on the second one Dennis passed out (it was around 7:00 pm.) So once the episode was over I stayed in bed with Dennis till he fell asleep again, poor guy I hate how much work drains him. He has to get up at 3 this morning. Thank God this weekend he'll get a break. I am already not looking forward to next weekend when he has to work.

expect to see me on here a lot more because I am going to be bored the next couple of weeks. I just hope Dennis comes home at a decent hour tomorrow. Saturday we are having a wine and cheese party. I'm super excited about it, we bought at least 10 different cheeses and wines to match them. I'm planning on making light snacks to go with it. I'll tell you more about it after the party. :)

It's getting late here I should try and sleep. Goodnight.

It starts....

Of course the military is being the military. Dennis started work back up the beginning of March, and they're already working him like crazy. I have to keep telling myself that it's only going to last for a couple more months. I guess the thing that makes me mad is that he's getting out, so there is no need for him to do these pointless tasks. Not that they care about my opinion though.

Started tomorrow Dennis will start rifle qualifications. He's really excited because this will be the first time he gets to shoot pistol qual too. That's one more medal for his uniform. :) The only bad part about rifle qual, is that it takes so long! It's a 2 week course and they work the boys for hours! Tomorrow Dennis has to get up at 3 in the morning and I'm probably not going to expect him home till 8-10 pm. He'll have to work like that all week long, next Saturday, and the next week too. I am happy he'll receive another medal though. :)

We found out yesterday that we're going to Disney world sometime this year. We're going with Den's parents, and his sister's family. I am so excited, I love Disney so much and can't wait. We are either going in June or September. The only problem is that those are both potential dates that Dennis could be out of the Marine Corps. It's going to be hard to get time off if he's working at another job. This year is so hectic for us and it's so hard to plan anything. We have lots of friends that want to come out and visit and it's so hard to say yes to them. We are for sure going to Disney though, my niece and nephew will be there and we really want to see their reactions to the place.

I better get going. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I miss you Grandma Clem!!!

So since I can't seem to find a job, and am bored a lot during the day. I decided to try my hands at becoming Miss Domestic. I cleaned the apartment (which I do everyday) but I also spent hours making dinner and dessert. I never make a dessert with dinner. I found out that being domestic is the hardest job out there. I now know why women used to not work.

I had to make 3 trips to the food lion because I kept forgetting ingredients. The second trip I came home and found out my ricotta cheese was spoiled (It wasn't a pretty sight.) Finally in the third trip, I had everything I needed. I started with dinner which was a baked ziti. Dinner was a success. Desert though was my Grandma Clem's peach pie. The dough was the hardest part to make. It doesn't taste exactly like hers yet but I'll work on it. Also I used store bought filling, eventually I want to make my own filling. Dennis really loved the pie, he had 2 pieces so I know he wasn't just saying it. I on the other hand know it's just not the same. It was still a good pie...just not hers.

When my Grandma passed away I used to tell myself that I didn't spend enough time asking her questions, or cooking with her. Honestly I could have cared less about cooking, now that I'm married it's a passion of mine. My favorite part of the day is dinner, because I get to see Den's reaction to my meals. He loves my cooking, I guess I can say he's my biggest fan. :)

I have forgiven myself for not visiting my Grandma that much, It was a huge weight on me after she died. The most amazing thing happened to me after I forgave myself. I went to her tombstone and talked to her and explained to her how if she was still around I would have talked to her more about food and get the recipe for her pie that we miss so much. At Christmas 2009 Peggy just happened to look into her recipe box and inside was the recipe for pie crust, on the recipe it said that it was for me in memory of Grandma Clem. I still get goosebumps from it. It was like she was there listening to me. Of course I cried my eyes out at Christmas, and now I'm so happy to have that recipe.

I miss you Grandma and thanks for the recipe. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I hate coming up with titles.....

I haven't been in the writing mood lately. That's why you haven't heard from me. I come home exhausted, or when I am home I just don't feel like doing it. Sorry about that. I am hear to assure you that I am alive and well. We did have a rather busy weekend so at least I have something to talk about. :)

On Friday Dennis and I decided to go down to Wilmington for a date night. For Den's birthday last year he got a gift card from his sister to Chili's and we finally decided to use it. Instead of going to Chili's we used it at the Macaroni grill. We had an amazing dinner. Dennis had baked ziti, and I had mushroom ravioli. I recommend that place, I pretty much liked everything on the menu.

Saturday we went to a friend Birthday party. The party was Hollywood themed. I went dressed as Posh Spice, and Dennis was my paparazzi. We didn't go all out like everyone else. At the party there was Bond with his Bond girlfriend, Audrey Hepburn, Liza Minnelli, Gilligan, and Skipper. I think our favorite was the girl dressed as Angelina Jolie. I liked her because she actually took the time to write out the tattoos on her skin. We thought they were real tattoos.

Today we went with a friend to see Alice and Wonderland. It's a pretty good movie. I have to say that I hate 3D movies though. I wish they would just have normal movies. It also angers me that I have to pay $2 extra to see this movie. If they are going to do that then they should have the option of 3D or not. Or they should have the option of buying the glasses or not. I mean they have the stupid recycle your glasses box....Where are they recycling to if I have to just buy them all over again? I think it's stupid.

better get going. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Taking it easy...

I woke up to a rainy day and not feeling well. I actually love not feeling well on rainy days, it gives me an excuse to be lazy. I would rather be sick today than if it was beautiful outside. Today Den's parents left so we went out for breakfast. I took them to a place called the Kettle Diner. It's a cute diner that sells home cooked food. I got a mound of biscuits and gravy. It's probably my favorite breakfast. Afterwards they took off for their long journey to Illinois.

Right now I'm on the job hunt. Since it's freezing outside I decided to put on my snuggie, make some hot chai, and search for jobs all day long. I'm thankful for technology because I don't even have to leave my house to get a job these days. It helps me out a lot. Since it's so hard to find a job in a Military town I've decided to just apply anywhere and everywhere. I will only be working for about 4 months so I can't be to picky. The money would really help though, so I hope I find something.

Well my chai is done and I need to stop procrastinating. talk to you later.