Our trip to Venice March 2009

Our trip to Venice March 2009

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Annoyed and ready to have this baby.

Since I have found out that I was pregnant I have been noticing discomfort in my diaphragm area. I talked to the doctor about it once and was told it was probably pain from throwing up during the first couple weeks of the pregnancy. Last week I noticed it more and more, especially after a full stomach. I decided to make another doctor appointment just to be safe.

Sure enough my fears were becoming reality and the doctor believes that I have a hiatal hernia. This throws everything off, I have to change my whole diet and exercise routine. Mainly my diet because I was so worried that my baby wasn't getting the right nutrition that I over ate and now have gained WAY to much weight for the first trimester. In order to be comfortable the rest of the pregnancy I have to eat small meals all day long. That way my stomach won't be so bulged like it has been. I also really need to start becoming active. I haven't exercised since I found out I was pregnant because of all the nausea that I've had.

I hope and pray that everything goes smooth with this pregnancy. It's already starting out with a bumpy start. :(


  1. That is what I have, a hiatal hernia. No fun. I have so much heart burn and nausea with my pregnancies. No fun. I will be praying for you. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy being pregnant!
